Evangelism Reports

by Dec 3, 2021Public Evangelism

Pastor Rob Benardo shares an update from the Battle Creek Tabernacle:

We did a three-week series on weekends with a little over 100 people on opening night and ending up with close to 70 by the end of the series.   Visitors were between 15 and 25 each night and that includes those watching online. We had six baptisms last week and have somewhere around 10 more at the end of November. 

All our numbers were down considerably from the past. We would normally have started out with more like 150 with 30 or 40 visitors. The handbill mailing was disappointing and it’s the same flyer we’ve used in the past. We are learning to use social media advertising, but it is still fairly unsuccessful. By far, personal invitations brought in the most visitors.

Despite the lower-than-normal turnout, we praise the Lord for the visitors that did attend and the decisions they continue to make for the Lord. Overall, we believe it was a very successful series.


Pastor Jorge A. Dieaz III reports about the recent meetings at the South Haven and Eau Claire Spanish Churches:

In the earlier part of the year, our South Haven Church family chose to conduct an evangelistic series via Zoom. Unfortunately, we did not have any visitors. 

The gatherings at the Eau Claire Spanish were in-person. Though we chose not to use Zoom, we did, livestream our series on Facebook. We had a great turnout of 45+ each evening with an average of 10 visitors each evening. While we’ve had no baptisms yet, we are following up with each of our visitors. Many of them are currently taking Bible studies for a deeper understanding and Lord willing and have accepted Jesus as their Savior! 

From our recent experiences, the most beneficial meetings have been those held in-person and livestreamed. 


Pastor EJ Wolf reports on meetings recently held in Edmore and Frost:

Pastor Darry Bentley, Chad Kreuzer and myself conducted the meetings simultaneously in Frost and Edmore.  We had a total of 16 messages (10 on the pillars of our faith and 6 on health) done over 2 weekends.  We built a website for visitors to register and learn more about it.  Check out www.pillarsoffaith.net 

We filmed 12 1-2 minutes video ads that went on social media (to see a sample, click here).  Though we had over 300 clicks in our area from the video ads, only one person sign up from the ads.  

Nevertheless, Edmore had 6 visitors, and 5 are continuing with Bible studies and are attending prayer meeting. Frost had 5 visitors and we have 4 baptismal candidates.


Finally, Pastor Aron Crews tells about an evangelistic series in Chikaming:

The Chikaming church held a full 20-meeting evangelistic series entitled “Jesus on Prophecy” over April and May of this year. We had 9 non-Adventists in attendance. At the end, 5 made decisions to join the church and continue with a follow up series that has been meeting every Thursday evening and Sabbath morning. Three of them are close to baptism and are in the process of being cleared. The other 2 missed a couple months because of vacation and travel over the summer and haven’t returned yet to the church due to other obligations. I continue to visit them.

Buchanan will be doing the same series starting in March of 2022, so please keep this series in prayer!

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